Sun |
Moon |
Sunrise: 7:14am Sunset: 6:44pm Daylight: 11:30 |
Moonrise: 12:04pm (07-Oct-2024) Moonset: 9:06pm (07-Oct-2024) Waxing Crescent 24% Illuminated |
First Quarter Moon | Full Moon | Last Quarter Moon | New Moon |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |
Vernal Equinox Start of Spring |
Summer Solstice Start of Summer |
Autumn Equinox Start of Fall |
Winter Solstice Start of Winter |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |
10/07/2024 11:51pm |